
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.单词

满分100分    答题时间20分钟


单选题(本大题共小题, 分)

Your mother always         in you, right?

    核心考点: 动词短语 

    The man is very busy so he         watches TV.

      核心考点: 副词的用法 

      Mary used to be        , but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends.

        核心考点: 形容词辨析 

        —Look! The goldfish is dying.
        —What a pity! This kind of goldfish         a lot of care and attention.

          核心考点: 词汇 

          I can’t tell when the house was built        , but it must be very old.

            核心考点: 词汇 

            填空题(本大题共小题, 分)

            6.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
            To some degree, getting online is ____(help) to our study.

              核心考点: 词汇 

              7.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
              Most ____(Africa) people are black people.

                核心考点: 词汇 

                8.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                He f____(失败) many times, but he doesn’t lose heart.

                  核心考点: 词汇 

                  9.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                  She is never ____(缺席;不在) from class without good excuses.

                    核心考点: 词汇 

                    10.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                    Although he has a serious face, he is very ____(幽默的) at heart.

                      核心考点: 词汇 

                      11.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                      Getthe fall(瀑布) in the ____(背景), will you?

                        核心考点: 词汇 

                        12.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                        After she made the ____(介绍), everyone shook hands with her.

                          核心考点: 词汇 

                          13.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                          People are usually required to give a general self-introduction in a job ____(面试).

                            核心考点: 词汇 

                            14.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                            She ____(敢于) not to tell her parents about her cheating in the math exam now.

                              核心考点: 词汇 

                              15.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                              The general has a great ____(影响) on his son.

                                核心考点: 词汇 

                                16.(本小题5分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                Some parents send their children to ____(私立的) schools rather than public schools.

                                  核心考点: 词汇 

                                  17.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                  My mother made a birthday cake for me ____ ____(亲身;亲自).

                                    核心考点: 介词短语 

                                    18.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                    Do you know how to ____ ____ this problem?

                                      核心考点: 动词短语 

                                      19.(本小题4分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                      If you don’t know the truth, please keep ____.

                                        核心考点: 介词短语 

                                        20.(本小题4分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                        It is the first time that I give a speech ____ ____.

                                          核心考点: 介词短语