
七年级上册Unit9 My favorite subject is science.单元复习卷

满分100分    答题时间30分钟


单选题(本大题共小题, 分)

Gina likes art because it’s         .

    核心考点: 形容词辨析 

    —Let’s eat hamburgers for lunch.         ?

      核心考点: 请求  允许和应答 

      —Let’s meet at 1:00         on Saturday in the park.
      —It’s a little late. Shall we meet at 12:00 on Saturday?

        核心考点: 词汇 

        This is a photo of        and her husband(丈夫).

          核心考点: 词汇 

          填空题(本大题共小题, 分)

          5.(本小题6分) 完成句子:
          My classes ____ at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson ____ two ____.

            核心考点: 介词  可数名词 

            6.(本小题6分) 完成句子:
            His sister likes to ____ ____ her dog.

              核心考点: 动词短语 

              7.(本小题8分) 用适当的介词填空:
              A train will stay at a station(停留在车站) ____ two to two ____ two two. The train will stay there
              for 4 minutes.

                核心考点: 介词 

                8.(本小题9分) 将下列单词重新排列,组成正确的句子:
                fun, I, the, dog, it, because, like, little(形容词:小的), is(.)
                ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

                  核心考点: 句子的成分 

                  9.(本小题30分) 情景交际:
                  A: What’s your favorite s____?
                  B: Science.
                  A: Why do you like science?
                  B: Because it is i____. What about you?
                  A: My favorite subject is math.
                  B: Why? It’s difficult and b____. Do you know?
                  A: Yes, I know it is hard to learn(很难学), b____ I like it.
                  B: W____ is your favorite day?
                  B: W____ is that day?
                  A: Because I can stay at home and w____ TV all day.
                  B: Do you have time o____ Sunday afternoon?
                  A: Yes, I am.
                  B: I am f____, too. How about going to the cinema together?
                  A: That s____ good.

                    核心考点: 谈长相;谈爱好、兴趣 

                        Alice is my pen friend. She is a 16-year-old girl from the UK, but now she lives in China. She is a middle
                    school student in Zhengzhou. She likes going to school, but there are some things she doesn’t like, such as
                    (例如) P.E. She enjoys(喜欢) playing sports. She thinks sports are interesting and exciting. But she doesn’t
                    like doing physical exercises(体育锻炼) in P.E. classes. She thinks that they are boring! Her favorite subject
                    is science. She thinks it’s amazing and useful. She feels she is on the way to(在……的路上) be a scientist
                    (科学家). She wants to invent(发明) things to make the world more and more(更加) beautiful.
                        In her free time, she often goes to the beach. She likes just sitting around and talking to friends there.
                        That is my pen friend Alice.

                    1.____  2.____  3.____ 4.____  5.____  6.____ 7.____

                      核心考点: 形容词的用法  细节理解题  数词的用法