
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.课文

满分100分    答题时间20分钟


单选题(本大题共小题, 分)

—Dear, you need to         by next week, to go to university at home or to go abroad(国外). You are going to be eighteen.
—OK, Mum. I’m considering(考虑) it.

    核心考点: 动词短语 

    —The meat is          delicious.
    —Yes, but don’t eat         .

      核心考点: 形容词的用法 

      —Hi, Sam. Your mother’s busy these days,        ?
      —Yes, she is.

        核心考点: 反意疑问句 

        —Wow! You look different! You         wear glasses.
        —Yes, I did. But now I am wearing contact lenses(隐形眼镜).

          核心考点: 动词短语 

          —Jim used to         late for school.
          —Yes, but now he is used to         up early.

            核心考点: 实义动词用法 

            Don’t shout at him like that. He is only a         boy.

              核心考点: 复合形容词 

              My brother         works in that factory. He has become a bus driver.

                核心考点: 词汇 

                The number of books in the bookshop is about 10,000 and a number of them        about science.

                  核心考点: 连系动词 

                  —Is Tom in the next room?
                  —Well, it’s hard to say. But I heard him        loudly when I passed by just now.

                    核心考点: 实义动词用法 

                    填空题(本大题共小题, 分)

                    10.(本小题3分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                    You have to be ____(准备) to give up your normal life.

                      核心考点: 动词短语 

                      11.(本小题3分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                      His mother looked after him as ____(good) as she could.

                        核心考点: 副词的用法 

                        12.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                        I wonder why my father doesn’t ____ ____(放弃) smoking.

                          核心考点: 动词短语 

                          13.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                          Many times I thought about giving up, but I ____ ____(继续战斗).

                            核心考点: 动词短语 

                            14.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                            We were surprised that the little girl could draw so well.(同义句转换)
                            ____ ____ ____, the little girl could draw so well.

                              核心考点: 介词短语 

                              15.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                              Are you proud of being a volunteer?(同义句转换)
                              Do you ____ ____ ____ being a volunteer?

                                核心考点: 动词短语 

                                16.(本小题8分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                It has ____ ____ ____ ____ we last saw our primary school classmates.

                                  核心考点: 动词时态:现在完成时 

                                  17.(本小题8分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                  I only go to the cinema ____ ____ ____ ____.

                                    核心考点: 介词短语 

                                    18.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                    Philip used to play soccer very well.(改为一般疑问句)
                                    ____ Philip ____ to play soccer very well?

                                      核心考点: 一般疑问句 

                                      19.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                      Miss Liu used to be easygoing.(改为反意疑问句)
                                      Miss Liu used to be easygoing, ____ ____?

                                        核心考点: 反意疑问句 

                                        20.(本小题6分) 根据提示完成句子(每空一词)
                                        Maria used to help Mom do housework. (对加粗部分提问)
                                        ____ ____ Maria ____ to do?

                                          核心考点: 特殊疑问句