

满分100分    答题时间20分钟


单选题(本大题共小题, 分)

1.(本小题4分) This math problem is so hard that I can’t       . Please give me some advice.

    核心考点: 动词短语 

    2.(本小题4分) Dick        in America, but he has been       Chinese food since he moved to China.

      核心考点: 动词短语  形容词短语 

      3.(本小题4分) —That clothes store is         on weekends.
      —I see. I’ll go there next Monday then.

        核心考点: 形容词的用法 

        4.(本小题4分) In our school,        students like English, but        of them can speak English smoothly.

          核心考点: 不定代词  形容词短语 

          5.(本小题4分) —Mr. Li        to Mary carefully when I entered the classroom this morning.
          —He is very patient        he is young.

            核心考点: (英语)连词  状语从句  动词时态:过去进行时 

            6.(本小题5分) —This book on idioms is interesting. I’d like       , where did you buy it, Simon?
            —In the Amazon Bookstore.

              核心考点: 不定代词 

              7.(本小题5分) This is        song I’ve ever heard. I love it.

                核心考点: 形容词最高级 

                8.(本小题5分) —How long        the movie       ?
                —For several minutes.

                  核心考点: 动词时态:现在完成时 

                  9.(本小题5分) —We will certainly enter a good high school         we work hard.
                  —Yes. Our dream will come true by working hard.

                    核心考点: (英语)连词  状语从句 

                    10.(本小题5分) Mary is        , but she has to take care of her         dog.

                      核心考点: 形容词辨析 

                      11.(本小题5分)       Lily      Lucy likes singing, but they are good at dancing.

                        核心考点: 副词的用法 

                        12.(本小题5分)       of the students in our class      money to the disabled people these days.

                          核心考点: 主谓一致  分数词 

                          13.(本小题5分) —Miss Li always makes her classes lively and interesting.
                          —Sure, I still remember every word         she said at school.

                            核心考点: 定语从句 

                            14.(本小题5分) You look too tired. Why not        a rest?

                              核心考点: 非谓语动词 

                              15.(本小题5分)        you come to the museum with me this afternoon?
                                     . I have to take a piano lesson at 2 pm.

                                核心考点: 情态动词 

                                填空题(本大题共小题, 分)

                                16.(本小题4分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                                You can consider____ (do) it in another way. Maybe you’ll succeed.

                                  核心考点: 非谓语动词 

                                  17.(本小题4分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                                  Many ____(success) people have the same quality.

                                    核心考点: 形容词的用法 

                                    18.(本小题4分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                                    They went back home in ____ (silent).

                                      核心考点: 介词短语 

                                      19.(本小题4分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                                      When we are in trouble, we should face the challenges ____ ____ (代替) worrying about our problems.

                                        核心考点: 介词短语 

                                        20.(本小题4分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                                        ____ my____, she gave her money to him.

                                          核心考点: 介词短语 

                                          21.(本小题4分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                                          You have to____ a ____.

                                            核心考点: 动词短语 

                                            22.(本小题6分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                                            We are no longer students. (改为同义句)
                                            We ____students ____ ____.

                                              核心考点: 副词短语