
七年级下册Unit2 What time do you go to school?语法过关

满分100分    答题时间20分钟


单选题(本大题共小题, 分)

       does your friend come?
—At eight o’clock.

    核心考点: 特殊疑问句 

    —What time does Jim go to bed in the evening?

      核心考点: 特殊疑问句 

      —Excuse me,              ?
      —Sorry,I don’t have a watch.

        核心考点: 特殊疑问句 

        I think fast food isn’t good for our health, so I         go to MacDonald(麦当劳).

          核心考点: 副词的用法 

          Rick         goes to school by bike. He walks to school.

            核心考点: 副词的用法 

            —What time do you usually get up, Tony?
            —I usually get up at        .

              核心考点: 数词的用法  确数 

              I go home        5:30        the afternoon.

                核心考点: 介词 

                填空题(本大题共小题, 分)

                8.(本小题6分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                They always get dressed at seven twenty.(对加粗部分提问)
                ____ ____ do they always get dressed?

                  核心考点: 特殊疑问句 

                  9.(本小题6分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                  I often eat breakfast in the morning.(对加粗部分提问)
                  ____ ____ you often eat breakfast?

                    核心考点: 特殊疑问句 

                    10.(本小题6分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                    I go to school at seven fifteen.(改为同义句)
                    I go to school at ____ ____ ____.

                      核心考点: 数词的用法  确数 

                      11.(本小题6分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                      I come home at six forty-five.(改为同义句)
                      I come home at a ____ ____ ____.

                        核心考点: 数词的用法  确数 

                        12.(本小题3分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                        My father ____ comes home ____ 6 ____.

                          核心考点: 副词的用法  介词 

                          13.(本小题9分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                          piano, the, at, play, half, you, six, past, do(将下列单词重新排列,组成正确的句子)
                          ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____?

                            核心考点: 一般疑问句 

                            14.(本小题12分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                            time, do, what, you, TV, watch(将下列单词重新排列,组成正确的句子)
                            ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____?

                              核心考点: 特殊疑问句 

                              15.(本小题10分) 根据提示填空(每空一词)
                              morning, take, they, a, at, bus, in, often, 6:30, the(将下列单词重新排列,组成正确的句子)
                              ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

                                核心考点: 副词的用法  陈述句